The Ghost is a thriller-oriented film. The movie was directed by Praveen Sattaru. The film features Nagarjuna in the lead role. The music was composed by Bharat – Saurabh while cinematography was done by Mukesh G and is edited by Dharmendra Kakarala. Director Praveen Sattaru and Nagarjuna are working jointly for the first time. ‘The Ghost’ is shaping up on a massive scale with Nagarjuna as the hero in the role of Vikram Gandhi.
Cast & Crew:
Beautiful actress Kajal Agarwal is playing the role of a carnivore in this film. The film has to produce by Narayan Das K Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, and Sarath Marar under the banner of Srivenkateswara Cinemas LLC and Northstar Entertainment. The film, starring Gul Panag and Anika Surendran, is currently shooting in Hyderabad. Gul Panag and Anika Surendran are the other main cast.
First Look Poster Details:
On a special occasion of Nagarjun’s 62nd birthday, the makers reveal his upcoming film, The Ghost, the first poster of the film. In the poster, Nagarjuna has look holding a blood-stained sword. Formed as an action-entertainer, the film has to direct by Praveen Sattar and has set in London. The first look poster features the actor in a serious incarnation. As Nagarjuna comes to attack with a sword, his enemies appear to be bowing to him. Judging by the poster, the title The Ghost is appropriate for the film. The stunning Big Ben night in London looks scary on a poster in the neighborhood. Nagarjuna has also released a motion poster showing his tough nature.
Also Read: Thank You Movie
Release Date Details:
After watching the much interesting first look poster all are eagerly waiting for the movie. No need to wait. Because recently the filmmakers announces the film has to release on March 25th, 2022 in theatres.
Kajal Agarwal Tweets On Twitter About The Ghost Movie:
Unlocking the surprise🔓
Presenting the much awaited Title poster of KING @iamnagarjuna‘s #TheGhost🗡️
Wishing you, a very Happy Birthday! 🎉😍@PraveenSattaru #NarayanDasNarang #RamMohanRao @AsianSuniel @sharrath_marar @SVCLLP @nseplofficial#HBDKingNagarjuna
— Kajal Aggarwal (@MsKajalAggarwal) August 29, 2021