Shyam Singha Roy is an upcoming Telugu supernatural thriller film directed by Rahul Sankrityan It had Written by Janga Satyadev. It had produced by Venkat Boyanapalli. The film stars Sai Pallavi, Krithi Shetty as well as Nani. Songs made up by Mickey J. Meyer. Nani and Sai Pallivi had collaborating for the second time and Krithi Shetty second film in the Tollywood industry.
Shyam Singha Roy first-look poster
Telugu celebrity Nani’s 37th birthday celebration, the makers of Shyam Singha Roy released the first appearance poster of the movie stars Krithi Shetty and Sai Pallavi. In the very first appearance poster Nani is seen sporting a moustache while a woman hugs him from behind. According to reports Sharing the poster, the official manage of Niharika Amusement the makers of Shyam Singha Roy required to their Twitter profile to share the very first poster. The features Nani is seen proudly in a vintage avatar while a female is embracing him from behind.
On the occasion Sai Pallavi Birthday the film makers had set to release small teaser of Sai Pallavi Role. This teaser got good response. All the Nani fans and Sai Pallavi fans are felling happy to see the teaser.
Movie News
The first time Nani was teaming up with Rahul Sankrityan for a flick, From the appearances of the poster. The movie had to release in December last year but due to the covid-19 the movie had postponed.
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