Akshay Kumar’s upcoming Indian historical action drama movie Prithviraj has to direct by Chandraprakash Dwivedi. The film has founded on the history of Prithviraj Chauhan. The official poster of the film has released by Yash Raj Films on 9 September 2020. The film was first released in theaters on November 13, 2020, during Diwali. However, it has postpone due to the suspension of production between March and October 2020 due to the Kovid-19 epidemic. The film has now set to release in theaters on January 21, 2022, on the occasion of Republic Day.
Cast & Crew
The film stars Manushi Chillar and Akshay Kumar in the lead roles. Other supporting charactres in the movie are Sonu Sood, Ashutosh Rana,Sanjay Dutt,Manav Vij, and Lalit TiwariSakshi Tanwar .The film has produced by Aditya Chopra and co-written by Prithviraj and Chandraprakash Dwivedi. The film also stars Ajoy Chakraborty, Govind Pandey, and Deependra Singh in the lead roles. The film music has composes by Shankar Ehsaan Loy.
Movie Plot:
Prithviraj’s film is based on Prithviraj Raso, a biopic of the legendary Hindu Rajput war king Prithviraj Chauhan of the Chahaman dynasty. It was his early life, military victories, marriage to the United States, and his war with Muhammad of Ghor and he led the Islamic occupation of Hindustan. Akshay Kumar started his Hindi film career as Prithviraj Chauhan and Manushi Chillar as his beloved Better Half.
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Teaser Details:
The teaser was released on November 15, 2021. The periodical war drama for Akshay Kumar is going to be huge. It has been shared on social media that the teaser 2022 is all set to release on the occasion of Republic Day. This is Epic Love Teaser. The story of India’s Fearless Warrior is released and the teaser begins with a powerful voiceover depicting. The battle scene where the armies of Abhimanyu Singh and Prithviraj (Akshay) are ready to fight against the forces of the brutal invader Muhammad Ghori.
Also, we can visit a glimpse of Kaka Kanha (Sanjay Dutt), Prithviraj King’s and Chand Bardai (Sonu Sood), beloved wife Sanyogita (Manushi Chiller). The background score and visuals are perfect and the teaser ends with Prithviraj’s dialogue “Dharm Ke Liye Jia Hoon, Dharm ke Liye Marunga” to delight the audience. It received over 12 million views on YouTube in just five days.
Akshay Kumar Tweets On Twitter About Prithviraj Movie:
Elated to share about my 1st historical film on my birthday!Humbled to have the opportunity to play a hero I look up to for his valor & values- Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan in one of my biggest films #Prithviraj.
Producer @yrf,director #DrChandraprakashDwivedi, releasing Diwali 2020 pic.twitter.com/Q2nD5KE3KR— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 9, 2019