Khiladi is an upcoming Telugu action thriller movie written and directed by Ramesh Varama. For the first time Raviteja and Ramesh Varma collebrating. It had produced by Satyanarayana Koneru and Ramesh Varama. In this film music had composed by Devi Sri Prasad(DSP). The film stars are Raviteja, Arjun Sarja, Unni Mukundan, Meenakshi Chaudhary, and Dimple Hayathi. In this movie Raviteja playing in dual role. This movie had set to release on 28th May 2021. Due covid pandemic situation this movie makers had set to postponed the movie.
After covid Pandemic situation in 2020 no movie had been released in this year. Due to Covid-19 situation completing and the year 2021 Raviteja Krack movie had released and it had got good response and it had big industry hit after covid pandemic situation. A couple of days after Ravi Teja continued the shoot of his impending film Krack, the Telugu whiz reported another undertaking. Indeed, the entertainer will feature a film named Khiladi. In the main look banner, Ravi is seen wearing a sleek look wearing a dark full-sleeved T-Shirt and pure black pants. A couple of intelligent shades, oxblood belt and coordinating with shoes finished his attractive look. Khiladi’s slogan is Play Smart.
Here it is… 😎 Hope you like it!! #KhiladiTeaser @Meenachau6 @DirRameshVarma @ThisIsDSP @idhavish@srinu10477 #KoneruSatyanarayana #AStudiosLLP @PenMovies @RamPedditi #Khiladi
— Ravi Teja (@RaviTeja_offl) April 12, 2021