Hari Hara Veera Mallu is an upcoming period drama Movie and it was directed by Krish. The film stars are Pawan Kalyan and Nidhhi Agerwal. Music has composed by MM Keeravani. Produced by A. Dayakar Rao and presented by AM Ratanam. Pawan Kalyan, Nidhhi Agerwal, and Krish For the first time these three are collaborating
The moviemakers recreated historical Moments like Charminar, Red Port, and some of the historical places. It is the first pan India movie for the Pawan Kalyan. The filmmakers had set to release in January 2022. It is a 17th-century periodic drama movie. For the first time, we can see Pawan Kalyan in a new, heroic avatar. The moviemakers released the first glimpse video.
First Glimpse Video
On the occasion of maha shivaratri filmmakers had set to release the PSPk 27 movie first glimpse video. In this video, we can see Pawan Kalyan as a Diamond thief. The epic adventure of real-life during the times of the Mughal empire in India and this story is a legendary heroic outlaw. In the first glimpse video, we can watch Pawan Kalyan in the port scene. By watching the First Glimpse Video of Hari Hara Veera Mallu Movie Pawan Kalyan fans would be happy.