Andhaghaaram is a Tamil supernatural thriller movie written and directed by debutant V Vignarajan. This movie will release on Netflix on 24th November 2020. The movie cast includes Vinoth Kishan, Arjun Das, Pooja Ramachandran, Kumar Natarajan, Meesha Ghoshal in main lead roles, the movie will also release on the streaming platform in Telugu.
Andhagaaram Movie Details, Cast & Crew and Trailer
Cast & Crew
- Movie Name: Andhagaaram
- Directer: V Vignarajan
- Producer (s): Priya Atlee, Sudhan Sundaram, Jayaram, K Poorna Chandra
- Lead Roles: Arjun Das, Vinoth Kishan, Pooja Ramachandran
- Production Company: A for Apple, Passion Studios, O2 Pictures
- Music Director: Pradeep Kumar
- Release Date: 24 November 2020
The Andhagaaram Movie has been appreciated by many through Netflix, it will reach audiences around India and the world, who have a taste for stories, regardless of language.
Movie Plot
‘Andhaghaaram’ is a visually impaired magician’s battle for endurance, a cleaned-up cricketer’s battle for redemption, and a forlorn specialist’s journey for recovery, which drives them all to a maze of indefinite quality as their lives are interlaced in a snare of misleading, disappointment, and murkiness.
There’s dark and then there’s darkness. The latter arrives on the 24th of November.#Andhaghaaram @Atlee_dir @priyaatlee @vvignarajan @iam_arjundas @vinothkishan @Poojaram22
— Netflix India (@NetflixIndia) October 30, 2020