Sudheer Babu and director Mohanakrishna Indraganti have teamed up for ‘Sammohanam’ and V movies in the past. Their latest collaboration titled ‘Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali’ is all set to hit the theaters on September 16. Produced by B Mahendra Babu and Kiran Ballapalli, the teaser looks promising. Avasarala Srinivas, Vennela Kishore, Rahul Ramakrishna, Srikanth Iyengar, and Kalyani Natarajan are the other prominent cast in the film. Vivek Sagar has composed the music. Here get the details about Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali Movie News and updates.
Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali Movie Trailer
The theatrical trailer for Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali is out now. The Sudheer Babu and Krithi Shetty starrer is essentially a film based on the journey of a few individuals who are in turn associated with a film. The trailer starts with Krithi saying she is ready to do a film, with a heavy voice. Sudheer Babu is seen as a film star who shares the screen with her. The emotional journey they go on through the course of the filmmaking process forms the plot, as shown in the trailer. Mohankrishna Indraganti and Sudheer had previously collaborated for Sammohanam which had a filmy-touch story. Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali appears to be on similar lines with tonal changes.
Songs Info
The news is that the first song from the romantic drama was released today. Titled ‘Kottha Kottha Gaa’, the Vivek Sagar composition is a melody with lyrics by Ramajogayya Sastry. Shot on the lead pair, the song is rendered by Chaitra Ambadipudi and Abhay Jodhpurkar. It’s an enchanting song wherein the lead pair share pleasant chemistry.
Touted to be a magical, heavenly, and aesthetically spectacular song, the lyrical video has splendid visuals by cinematographer PG Vinda.
The song was crooned enchantingly by Chaitra Ambadipudi and Abhay Jodhpurkar. Showcasing the magical moments in first love, the visuals featuring Sudheer Babu and Krithi Shetty are framed beautifully. The on-screen chemistry between the couple stands as the highlight.
Movies News
The makers of the film, which also stars Krithi Shetty in the female lead, have confirmed that the first-look poster will be released. The teaser of the romantic comedy looks highly promising and looks like another fun ride. The teaser shows Sudheer Babu as a filmmaker who wants to make a female-centric film. Meanwhile, he meets a beautiful girl who is a doctor and wants her to act in the film. Despite their different approaches towards life, they end up falling in love and she finally gets agrees to do the movie.
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